Word Transformation #3: 10 Nouns Ending in -TH

nouns -thToday’s word transformation post will deal with only a small but important aspect of it, which is the nouns that end in «-th» when being transformed. The reason for this is that it is extremely common to see this in Use of English Part 3. If you don’t remember the different parts of the Use of English paper in Cambridge English exams, visit this post to have a clearer idea before reading on.  In sum, UoE Part 3 is where you are asked to transform words in order to complete a text. These transformations will involve changing words from adjectives to nouns, from nouns to verbs, from verbs to nouns, from nouns to adverbs, etc.

So as I was saying, it is very common to see one or two words in every other task that involve a transformation into a noun which ends in «-th». However, I’m not going to give away the nouns just yet! I’m leaving you with a quick task to see how well you know these nouns! Simply write the noun in the boxes below. Oh, a clue! They all end in «-th» haha! Once you finish, click on the button below and check if you were right. If not, click «ANSWERS» below the task to find out all the answers. Good luck!

How did it go? Did you know all of them? I bet a couple were tough, right?  By the way, the «-th» in all of these words is pronounced /θ/ as in «truth» or «both«, exhaling air between the tip of the tongue and the central upper teeth.

Anyway, I hope you found this post useful and that next time you come across one of these you know the answer straight away. Now you can practise Use of English Part 3 for First and Advanced.

If you happen to know any other nouns that end in «-th» which do not appear in this post, please leave a comment below and let me know!

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