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  • What are –ed or –ing adjectives?
    Adjectives which end in –ed or –ing are regular adjectives which have derived from a verb. Therefore, adjectives that end in –ed or –ing are normally written the same as the past participle or the present participle of a verb. For example:

He has surprised everyone with the news. (past participle)

Everyone felt surprised by the news. (adjective)

He is surprising everyone with the news. (past participle)

The news is very surprising. (adjective)

  • When to use –ed or –ing

–  -ed: when it expresses how someone or something feels. For instance:

I was absolutely amazed! The show had been awesome. 

–  -ing: when it expresses the feeling that someone causes. For example:

The show was amazing. I really enjoyed it. 

  • Useful tip
    To learn when to use –ed or –ing, try memorising a sentence like this one:

I am bored because this book is boring

  • More -ed/-ing adjectives: 
    annoyed – annoying 
    confused – confusing
    depressed – depressing
    excited – exciting
    frustrated – frustrating
    frightened – frightening
    satisfied – satisfying
    shocked – shocking
    tired – tiring
    disappointed – disappointing
  • Attention!
    Not all -ed adjectives have an –ing form, and vice versa. Some examples include: crowdedtalentedstressed, etc.


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